New Non-Fiction

Go Out and Play: Favorite Outdoor Games, A guide to more than seventy classic and contemporary playground games provides instructions for such favorites as kick the can, freeze tag, and sardines, in a volume that also includes tips for adults on how to encourage and facilitate outdoor play.  J 796 Go

Seeing Symmetry, by Loreen Leedy- An introduction to the concept of symmetry as found in nature and everyday objects includes step-by-step instructions for creating simple symmetrical designs.  J 516.1 Leedy

The Three Little Pigs, by Bernadette Watts-  A retelling of the Grimm brothers' fairy tale.   
J 398.24 Watts

What Color is my World, by Kareem Abdoul Jabbar- While twins Ella and Herbie help the handyman Mr. Midal work on their new home, he tells them about such inventors as Granville Woods, Dr. Henry T. Sampson, and James West, giving them a new view of their heritage as African-Americans.  J 609.2 Abdul-Jabbar

 What Happens to Our Trash, by DJ Ward- Explains the challenges that face our planet as trash continues to build up, and teaches the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling items in order to reduce the amount of waste produced.  J363.72 Ward

From the Community's Children's Librarians

This blog is to give you information on what is going on at your library. Check out these websites to find your favorite book character, coloring pages, games, and help for your homework.